Sunday, July 31, 2011

Start of the Blog

This entry is actually written on 17th of Aug 2011 (Indonesia Independence Day!) but I purposely set the date to 31st of July to have a better blog chronology.

Basically I moved on to my new company on 1st of August 2011.

I was previously in a MNC semiconductor company. Started work there on 30th of June 2011. I realized I did not really like semiconductor work or manufacturing environment in general so I moved on to another manufacturing department. Yeah, it is kind of f*cked up. Why would I moved to the same field if I do not like it. Part of it is attributed to the fact that I only have experience in manufacturing industry. I also have an experience in software and programming from my internship but I realize it is not good enough to take up a full-time job responsibilities. So I figure out I would stay in this company while gather myself together (I was very exhausted and drained working in my very first company) and learn new things to achieve my career goals.

Here starts the story of my cheerful-boring days in work.